Rabu, 23 Mei 2012

Lirik Devil Dice - In The Arm of the Angels

In the arms of the angel, it will last forever it will never end

All this pretty feelings, nothing's bleeding dying, hit the candles out

I can touch the stars from your eyes and the moon stab the sky

There's a bridge to my heart and i wondering why

I'll be the one on the floor beggin right on my knees now

Coz when you're gone, heaven's so far away

In the arms of the angel, dagger stab right on me, tatooed deep inside

Some say there's no heaven, down with armageddon, and im not afraid

Coz i see hope in your eyes, faith in all universe

Bring the devil to white, dont you ever be scared

And for all galaxy, i just want you to stay now

Cos when you're gone, heaven's so far away

In the arms of the angel i feel so small

Drowned in my sins for a thousand years

Rest of my i'll be there with you

This is the end like it always true

My angel don't ever fall down, in sexy your golden wings

Tears when they fall to the ground, keep is strong, far away...

from fading

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