Rabu, 23 Mei 2012

Lirik LAgu Devil Dice - Never a Saint

All fear from the past, the way i've been brought up, yea i've been brought up, i couldn't understand

And the mirror they breaks, leave the hearts on the ground. right there on the ground, i feel so ashame

I wish i could fight it, it's not what i want

But seems like the shadow, keepin me this way..

In the night while you're sleep and you're dreaming of gold, and you're dreaming and dreaming..i'll be there to steal

And instead when you're smile, just to feel you've been loved, no you don't and you're not, i'll be there to laugh

And i wish i could fight it, it's not what i want

But seems like the shadow, it's keepin me this way

Forever things fall down apart

Punishment is full on revenge

But i'll be there to steal and laugh

Hell is waiting for me that's for sure

Forgiveness will run out someday

When this misery gonna end?

Coz i'll be there to steal again

I'll never be a saint..

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